Inhaling asbestos fibers poses health risks which may include cancer and other diseases. Although the use of asbestos in construction or manufacturing is all but banned and eliminated, there are products still in service which contain asbestos. Roofing, flooring and insulating materials, mostly found in industrial or commercial locations may contain asbestos. Some older homes may still have have asbestos as part of the building fabric. Most asbestos occurrences are well documented and precautions should be taken when carrying out construction works in such locations.
The asbestos team at CDN Restoration DKI is well trained and equipped with the safety geared required to handle asbestos safely. We possess the appropriate licenses to remove, transport and dispose of asbestos. Where asbestos is suspected we can take samples and have them tested at specialist laboratories. Once the test results are known we are then able to remove asbestos containing material and replace with safer alternatives. Common places where asbestos is still found include:
- Roofing insulation
- Roofing tiles
- Wallboards
- Caulking
- Windows, doors and vents putty

Identifying the different types of asbestos which may be present on your premises is not easy. Also, the risks of disturbing the asbestos and releasing the microscopic fibers into the air cannot be underestimated.

Discovered water on your premises? We are available for emergency calls and we can handle the entire process from beginning to end for you.
If you suspect asbestos in your home, office or industrial building do not delay calling us on (416) 620-9900. Do not put the health of your family or employees at risk.
Serving Clients across Etobicoke, Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Vaughan, Bolton, Aurora, Oakville, and The Greater Toronto Area.